Balkong Krukor

Balkong Krukor

Balkong Med Stora Krukor Av Pelargon Som Blommar 2 Fotografering för
Balkong Med Stora Krukor Av Pelargon Som Blommar 2 Fotografering för from


As a nature lover, I have always been fascinated by plants and their beauty. However, living in an apartment in the city, I thought I couldn’t have a garden until I discovered balkong krukor. Balkong krukor, or balcony planters, have revolutionized the way we can enjoy nature in urban spaces. In this article, I will share my personal experience with balkong krukor, the current trends, top 10 tips, pros and cons, and my personal review.

Step by Step Guide for Current Trends on Balkong Krukor

The current trend with balkong krukor is to create an urban jungle on your balcony. Here are the steps to follow to achieve this:

  1. Choose the right plants for your space. Consider the size of your balcony, the amount of sunlight it receives, and the climate in your area.
  2. Get creative with the planters. There are endless options, from traditional terracotta pots to hanging baskets, wall planters, and even repurposed items like old tea kettles or boots.
  3. Arrange the plants strategically. Use different heights and textures to create a visually appealing display.
  4. Add accessories like fairy lights, wind chimes, or a small fountain to create a cozy atmosphere.
  5. Maintain your plants by watering them regularly, fertilizing them, and pruning them when necessary.

Top 10 Tips and Ideas on Balkong Krukor

Here are some tips and ideas to make the most out of your balkong krukor:

  1. Use self-watering planters to save time and ensure your plants are always hydrated.
  2. Choose plants that attract pollinators like bees and butterflies to contribute to the environment.
  3. Create a theme for your balcony, like a herb garden, a tropical oasis, or a desert landscape.
  4. Use climbers like ivy or morning glory to create privacy and shade.
  5. Consider growing your own vegetables and herbs to have fresh produce right outside your door.
  6. Repurpose old items like pallets, crates, or mason jars to create unique planters.
  7. Add a bird feeder or bath to attract wildlife to your balcony.
  8. Use a trellis or bamboo sticks as support for your plants to prevent them from falling over.
  9. Choose fragrant plants like lavender, jasmine, or mint to add a pleasant scent to your balcony.
  10. Experiment with different colors and textures to create an eye-catching display.

Pros and Cons of Balkong Krukor

Like any gardening method, balkong krukor has its advantages and disadvantages:


  • Allows people with limited space to enjoy nature.
  • Can improve air quality and reduce noise pollution.
  • Can be a therapeutic and relaxing activity.
  • Can provide fresh produce and herbs.
  • Can increase property value.


  • Requires regular maintenance and can be time-consuming.
  • Can be expensive, especially if you opt for high-end planters or rare plants.
  • Can be challenging to find the right plants for your space and climate.
  • Can attract pests and insects.
  • Can be a fire hazard if not maintained properly.

My Personal Review on Balkong Krukor

Overall, I highly recommend balkong krukor to anyone who wants to bring nature into their urban space. It has been a game-changer for me, and I have enjoyed experimenting with different plants and planters. However, it does require dedication and patience to maintain, so it’s not for everyone. If you love gardening and want to create a green oasis in your balcony, balkong krukor is definitely worth trying.

Question & Answer and FAQs

Q: How often should I water my plants in balkong krukor?

A: It depends on the plant and the weather conditions. As a general rule, check the soil regularly and water when it feels dry to the touch. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot and other problems.

Q: Can I grow vegetables in balkong krukor?

A: Yes, you can grow a variety of vegetables in balkong krukor, including tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and lettuce. Just make sure they receive enough sunlight and water, and consider using organic fertilizers and pesticides.

Q: Do I need to buy expensive planters for balkong krukor?

A: No, you can use a variety of containers, including repurposed items like old shoes, cans, and bottles. Just make sure they have drainage holes and are sturdy enough to hold the soil and plants.

Q: What are the best plants for balkong krukor in a hot and dry climate?

A: Succulents and cacti are great options for hot and dry climates, as they are adapted to store water and can survive with minimal care. Other options include herbs like rosemary, thyme, and oregano, which are also drought-tolerant.

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